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An effective, broad-spectrum paste that helps to control and kill internal parasites, including bots and the arterial stages of Strongylus vulgaris, with a single dose. Ivermax Equine Paste contains ivermectin 1.87% anthelmintic and boticide. Apple flavored for palatability.
This syringe contains sufficient paste to treat one 1250-pound horse at the recommended dose rate of 91 mcg ivermectin per pound (200 mcg / kg) body weight. Each weight marking on the syringe plunger delivers enough paste to treat 250 pounds of body weight.
Purina® Layena® Plus Omega-3 (50 lbs)
Purina® Layena® Crumbles
Purina® Layena® Pellets
Naturally Free Organic Layer Feed 16% For Chickens & Ducks
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